Guided mindfulness in garden locations.
Garden Shed Mindfulness #14
A slow, mindful exploration of the simple act of breathing and honouring the air around us.
Garden Shed Mindfulness #13
A few moments of peace from a garden in the south of France: being aware of where our feet touch Earth and our place within nature.
Garden Shed Mindfulness #12
Being with nature can expand our sense of self and allow us to part of a landscape where the boundaries of different entities are not recognised and merge seamlessly together. This short Garden Shed moment allows a sensorial experience of nature which allows a embodied feelings to supersede mere thoughts….
Garden Shed Mindfulness #11
A contemplation of the seasons and the unique form of energy that each can hold. With grateful thanks for the beautiful poetry of John O’Donohue and with heartfelt gratitude for all that Alison Whybrow brought to each of us, humans and more-than-human.
Garden Shed Mindfulness #10
Recognising that the muscles of our body can retain previous experiences of tension or fear, this Garden Shed Mindful moment aims to replace such feelings with relaxation.
Garden Shed Mindfulness #9
Seasonal rituals and celebrations are never more important than in winter when our energy can dip or remain stagnant. Celebrations at this time of year remind us of the value of connection with nature and with each other.
Garden Shed Mindfulness #8
This 5 minute standing meditation can be a powerful way of be present and gaining balance, whether you’re standing looking out of the window, standing holding a baby or standing during your commute to work.
Garden Shed Mindfulness #6
After the storm, there’s a moment of calm before the busyness kicks in again.
Garden Shed Mindfulness #5
Creating a space of non-judgement and respect for yourself, and the systems of which you are an essential part, allows acceptance to emerge. A 15 minute time of guided mindfulness.
Garden Shed Mindfulness #4
A mindful moment inspired by Fashion Revolution Week and the recognition that cheap clothes come at a high price. We're encouraged to show kindness and gratitude to the people who sourced the materials & the people who produced the garments that we wear through an evening ritual of mindful practice using our clothes. We're going to take them off anyway, why not use our clothes to increase calm?
Garden Shed Mindfulness Moment #3
The element of air can be easily forgotten yet it constantly surrounds us and nourishes us. In this Garden Shed Mindfulness Moment the wind can be heard and we consider the self-care aspect of breathing deeply.
Garden Shed Mindfulness #2
How do experience space within you? Does it feel cramped inside or do you have a sense of expansion, space to make choices?