
One-to-One Practice

“Typically, we hide our vulnerabilities from ourselves as well as from others. But to be the kind of person who truly accepts their responsibility requires knowledge of and access to self, far beyond that possessed by most people in this society.” Donella Meadows

Clients have begun coaching with me because they’ve lost their sense of purpose, they feel stuck in certain habits, they feel confused, lost or unseen, they’re physically unhealthy, a meaningful relationship has ended and they feel at a loss as to how to keep going… Reaching out to ask for support takes a lot of courage. When you do I will listen attentively to you, ask questions that help us consider things from different and new perspectives. I recognise my own place within our coaching, how not only training but previous professional and personal experiences affect how I respond, what I see and hear within our conversation. I’m learning to use a systemic perspective within my coaching practice, recognising that nothing ever happens in isolation, that everything is connected, and together we can look for, what Gregory Bateson called, “the patterns that connect,”(1979).

Individual sessions can last from 45 to 90 minutes. You decide on the duration, how frequently they happen and when they will end. You only pay for two sessions upfront and can cancel up to 48 hours prior to the coaching session for a full refund or to re-schedule..

I will listen attentively - noticing moments of hesitation or animation, looking for patterns. I honour your silence, recognising the power of pauses and understanding that this can be a time of intense learning. We enquire into feelings as well as thoughts, we value the power of imagination and we may use objects as representations of different aspects of the stories told within our conversations.

Reflection on the content of conversations; thoughts, words and feelings, is vital. An initial dialogue will open pathways into your conscious and unconscious thoughts; into feelings held within your body. Taking time to consider these in between sessions is vital for you to fully benefit. Similar to learning a language or musical instrument, it’s your own investment in the process which affects your mastery. I honour your reflective practice by taking time to reflect on our conversations too.

We meet online or in-person, on a weekly or fortnightly basis.

I respect the courage of every person who reaches out to work with me. I’m grateful to every client who has taught me through our conversations together and use this moment to publicly thank them.