The boundaries of a professional conversational partner and a good friend can be blurred as our conversations can be wide-ranging in topic and deep in personal experience. As an EMCC accredited Master Practitioner coach I uphold a clearly delineated, confidential space where honest conversation can be contained. Unlike a friend, I work alongside you as you deepen your understanding of yourself and those with whom you’re in relationship. I may ask you challenging questions, or probe for honesty within your answers, to help you gain greater clarity and self-awareness.
As a doctoral student of systemic practice I’m interested in the power relations within every conversation, as well as the content of the conversation, and they can often be the basis of my questions within our coaching. I’m aware that we can create and re-create our worlds through the language we use, so I listen carefully to the words that describe experiences, and I’m aware that often the most important communication occurs beyond language. I believe that in Western society our history of colonialism where Land and natural resources have been stolen will affect our way of being in the world. I honour Indigenous wisdom as I learn more and recognise its value. I believe it’s important that you know what I value as it will be at the heart of the questions I ask within a coaching conversation.
Prior to beginning a coaching relationship we can have an introductory chemistry session to ensure that we are both completely happy to explore coaching together. The cost of this initial session is kept to a minimum.