My story

My name is Finn. I grew up n a small town on the east coast of Scotland. I remember the smell of lilac in my garden and the sound of wood pigeons on holiday. I dreamed of being an actor, I loved to read and write stories. Storytelling has become an important part of my work with clients, as we co-author new ways of understanding what happens in their lives.

As a young adult, I learned to become a nurse, then an entrepreneur before finding my passion for systemic practice through coaching. It was becoming a mum to my three children that instigated a different relationship with Earth.

  • When I bought food in the noughties, and became aware of harmful chemicals we ingested, I prioritised organic foods.

  • When I observed inhumane farming practices on an ‘award-winning’ dairy farm I became a pescatarian.

  • When I learned of the social and environmental injustices caused by fast fashion I began campaigning for sustainable textile policy.

    All of these experiences stand behind me as I enter into coaching relations and I appreciate that many different life experiences stand behind my clients as we enter coaching relations.


MSc Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology (Distinction)

BSc Social Anthropology

European Mentoring & Coaching Council accredited Master Practitioner

Foundation level qualification(completes February 2024): Systemic Therapy

Foundation level qualification: Systemic Constellations

Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner |Mindfulness & Meditation Teacher | Yoga foundation

Experiences informing my practice include:

  • over 650 coaching hours with over 100 clients to attain master accreditation with the EMCC ,

  • my voluntary work within the Fashion Revolution Scotland (FRS) policy team.

My curiosity helps me to constantly learn. I use this same curiosity when I’m coaching; asking questions to fully understand the issues that challenge clients. We work together to reflect on their stories and see them from new perspectives. A relational approach enables us to understand what happens between people rather than seeing problems within specific people.

I’ve gained ethical approval for my research and I’m now gathering stories around a relational approach to Earth for a professional doctorate in systemic practice. If you’re interested in finding out more about collective storytelling spaces opening up alongside Earth please contact me.

My Research

I’m especially interested in Earth-aware practice. I’ve discovered that when humans recognise their place within a bigger picture alongside other forms of life, animal, plant, cosmos etc., we gain a sense of perspective which leads to greater contentment.

Reflective Practice

I believe that my practice benefits from times of reflection and I often use the early morning to read and meditate. The work of Richard Wagamese has deeply impacted me recently and I share some of his words now.

“These days, I choose to face life head-on - and I have become a comet. I arc across the sky of my life and the hard times are the friction that shaves off the worn and tired bits. The more I travel head-on, the more I am shaped, and the things that no longer work or are unnecessary drop away.”

Richard Wagamese (Embers 2016,133)


Murmurations Journal of Transformative Systemic Practice: my paper on the place of Land within coaching conversations can be found here

Coaching: an International Journal of Theory Research and Practice: co-authored with colleagues considering online group coaching can be found here .

PODCAST: It was an honour to be invited, alongside my colleague Elsa Valdivielso-Martinez, by the highly esteemed and irreplaceable coaching psychologist Dr Alison Whybrow, to represent her during a British Psychology Society podcast regarding Coaching with Nature. The recording can be found here.

BLOG POST: The International Coaching Federation wrote about my work with the wonderful ICGLR leadership team here.


SCOS Standing Conference of Organizational Symbolism 2023, Paris

Centre for Systemic Studies Conference 2023, Cardiff

ENQI The European Network for Qualitative Inquiry 2024, Helsinki

ENQI The European Network for Qualitative Inquiry 2025, Edinburgh