As an EMCC accredited Senior Practitioner, with an MSc in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology (distinction), my work with organisations varies from leadership coaching to the facilitation of group learning, according to the specific needs of the organisation. I use a systemic action research approach to all aspects of my practice and specifically use Appreciative Inquiry and Communities of Practice models within organisational development. My training within systemic constellations enabled me to create an Embodied Experience workshop which can be used with teams considering issues that are important to them. (Thanks to participants of the Embodied Experience workshop, pictured above, which enquired into relations surrounding the fashion industry held at the SCOS conference in Paris, July 2023.)
My research with colleagues at the University of East London involved my coaching a group of international students who were studying at post-graduate level during the Covid pandemic. As researchers we then considered the effects of online group coaching which recognised the benefits of close connections developed through small online groups. The published paper can be found here.
Working with a fantastic international leadership team group was a time of intense learning for me as well as the team members. Our work together was recognised by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) who wrote about it in the ICF Ignite blog.
As a coach and systemic practitioner I use a holistic approach to support clients in various aspects of their personal and professional journeys. I use my curiosity to enquire into the unique circumstances, values, and aspirations of each client. Our further conversations can raise self-awareness and increase clarity, leading to personal growth. Together we use conversation and interventions informed by my studies in systemic theory, coaching psychology, systemic constellations and Neuro Linguistic Programming to overcome challenges, navigate transitions and gain a sense of peace.
During one-to-one conversations you’ll deepen your awareness of who you are, become conscious of patterns that may have been repeated within your life and explore the development of your own way of being. My role within our conversation is to listen intently, without judgement, and to use my curiosity to ask questions which lead to new perspectives being explored. The range of topics explored within your coaching session is completely directed by you.
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Your coaching experience can be transformational when you choose the right coach.
Find out more about my experience and qualifications here and contact me for a no-obligations initial chat to consider which coaching model and coach will work best for you.